Citește în română: Elaborarea unui Manual de Formare ...
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Project name: Development of Training Manual on Integrated Planning and Urban Strategies (IPUS)
Beneficiary: IHS Rotterdam
Contracting agency: IHS Rotterdam
Financing agency: IHS Rotterdam
Country: Romania
City/location: Bucharest
Project type: Training
Contract date: July 2013
Main themes: Integrated planning and urban strategies
Workmonths: 3 months
Project description:

Developing a training manual, within a series of IHS Rotterdam courses, for a three week (15 days) module on Integrated Planning and Urban Strategies, including a set of trainers notes.

Description of IHS Romania SRL activities:
  • Provide a detailed schedule with session titles
  • Provide a matrix course outline containing the session titles, objectives of the sessions, key word for sessions, training aids and readings
  • Develop session plans (with training notes)
  • Develop exercise sheets for sessions
  • Develop Powerpoint Presentations for each session
  • Draft trainer note for each session
  • Provide a ready-to-use manual
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About Us

IHS Romania SRL | VAT Number: RO6135554
5-7 Victor Eftimiu st., Bucharest, Romania | phone: +4021-313-7475 | email: