Citește în română: Instrumente pentru implementarea proiectului Bucureşti ...
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Project name: Tools for Implementation of the Project Bucharest 2000
Beneficiary: Bucharest Municipality
Contracting agency: Bucharest Municipality
Financing agency: Bucharest Municipality
Country: Romania
City/location: Bucharest
Project type: Consultancy
Contract date: March 1998
Main themes: Land management
Workmonths: 1,5 months
Project description:

Identify the needed tools to develop an investment of two million sqm of various urban functions, on 100 hectares of land, in public private partnership, in the inner area of the city of Bucharest

Description of IHS Romania SRL activities:
  • Formulate the land development policy and development control
  • Formulate de investment strategy
  • Formulate the proposal for investment project management, describing the role of parties involved in the project and the structure of the Bucharest 2000 Development Agency
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About Us

IHS Romania SRL | VAT Number: RO6135554
5-7 Victor Eftimiu st., Bucharest, Romania | phone: +4021-313-7475 | email: