Citește în română: Planul de Amenajare a Teritoriului ...
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Project name: Zonal Territorial Plan - Bucharest Urban Agglomeration and Metropolitan Area
Beneficiary: Bucharest General Council
Contracting agency: SC Intergraph Computer Services SRL
Financing agency: Bucharest General Council
Country: Romania
City/location: Bucharest
Partners: University of Bucharest - Interdisciplinary Territorial Dynamic Research Centre University of Bucharest - Environment Research and Impact Assessment Centre INCD Urbanproiect Romanian Academy - the National Economic Institute "Sabba S. Stefanescu " Romanian Academy Geodynamic Institute (with the participation of the Geodynamics Group)
Project type: Consultancy
Contract date: December 2005
Main themes: metropolitan development
Workmonths: 6 months
Project description:

Consultancy in order to formulate an integrated economic development strategy, and organize the capital city green-yellow belt, and the system of regional parks

Description of IHS Romania SRL activities:

Formulate the management plan, to implement the territorial development policies in the context of the Objective 1 of Structural Funds and Financing Instruments, including:

  • coordination means of the Development Objectives, within Bucharest metropolitan area, with the CE Report regarding the 2007-2013 Cohesion Policy, with the National Strategic Refference Framework and with Bucharest-Ilfov Strategic Refference Framework
  • operational mechanisms for the programmes and projects, in order to prepare the final beneficiaries to organise the process of structural funds accession, during 2007-20013
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IHS Romania SRL | VAT Number: RO6135554
5-7 Victor Eftimiu st., Bucharest, Romania | phone: +4021-313-7475 | email: