Citește în română: Servicii de cercetare și coordonare ...
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Project name: Research and coordination services for the development of a platform and toolkit for City Development Strategies (CDS) within the project Cities Alliance Future Cities Africa (FCA) output 4 – Development of CDS Toolkit (ref: UNOPS/CA/ FCA/Output 4/ CDS- Toolkit)
Beneficiary: Cities Alliance
Contracting agency: IHS Rotterdam
Financing agency: Cities Alliance
Country: The Netherlands
City/location: Rotterdam
Project type: Consultancy
Contract date: 04/01/2016
Main themes: Strategic planning
Workmonths: 8 days
Project description:

Consultancy for research and coordination services for the development of a platform and toolkit for City Development Strategies (CDS)

Description of IHS Romania SRL activities:
  • Assistance in producing, reviewing and compiling content related to CDS processes and experiences worldwide
  • Assistance to the project team on substantive work, as needed, and contribute to the production of the outputs related to the toolkit and the online platform
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About Us

IHS Romania SRL | VAT Number: RO6135554
5-7 Victor Eftimiu st., Bucharest, Romania | phone: +4021-313-7475 | email: