Citește în română: Vizita de studii pentru Agentia ...
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Project name: Study Tour for Tbilisi City Agglomeration Development Agency (TADA)
Beneficiary: Tbilisi Municipality
Contracting agency: IHS, The Netherlands
Financing agency: USAID
Country: The Netherlands and France
City/location: Rotterdam, The Hague, Amsterdam, Lille
Project type: Training / study tour
Contract date: June 2010
Main themes: Metropolitan governance
Workmonths: 12 days
Project description:

Support the representatives of Tbilisi (Georgia) local government in establishing and developing TADA, through a training and study tour program, to relevant organisations in The Netherlands and France.

Description of IHS Romania SRL activities:

Coordinate the study tour and provide professional input, including preparation and delivery of sessions, visits to relevant organisations, and round table discussions

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