Citește în română: Introducerea participarii integrate a cetatenilor ...
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Project name: Introduction of Comprehensive Participation of Citizens as well as Governmental and non-Governmental Organizations in the Urban Planning Process
Beneficiary: Association of Municipalities and Towns of the Republic of Srpska Albanian Association of Municipalities
Contracting agency: BFZ GmbH International Division, Augsburg, Germany
Financing agency: GTZ Germany
Country: Bosnia Herzegovina, Albania
City/location: Prijedor/Srbska Novo Orlovaca
Project type: Consultancy
Contract date: July 2009
Main themes: Citizens participation
Workmonths: 42 days
Project description:

Support the Association of Municipalities and Towns of the Republic of Srpska, and the Albanian Association of Municipalities to implement the pilot project “Urban integration of informal settlements” in municipalities Prijedor (Republic of Srpska) and Sukth (Albania).

Description of IHS Romania SRL activities:
  • Structure the urban planning process and involve citizens and community organizations in different stages of the process
  • Develop a participatory planning handbook
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