Citește în română: Întărirea guvernării locale şi a ...
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Project name: Strengthening local governance and community based initiatives in Kamza municipality
Beneficiary: Kamza Municipality
Contracting agency: Co-PLAN: Center for Habitat Development
Financing agency: CORDAID NOVIB
Country: Albania
City/location: Kamza
Project type: Consultancy
Contract date: April 2002
Main themes: Local economic development Participative planning
Workmonths: 0.5 month
Project description:

Formulate the local economic plan, supporting the development of Kamza municipality during 2002-2017 according to the strategic directions proposed by the Strategic Plan for Thriving Tirana

Description of IHS Romania SRL activities:
  • Finalize the Strategic Plan for Urban Development
  • Formulate the process and the preliminary structure for the Local Economic Development Plan
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