Citește în română: Metodologie privind dezvoltarea instituţională a ...
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Project name: Methodology for institutional development of metropolitan areas of Ist rank cities - Pilot Study: Bacau
Beneficiary: Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Housing
Contracting agency: VANEL EXIM SRL
Financing agency: Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Housing
Country: Romania
City/location: Bucharest
Project type: Consultancy
Contract date: September 2002
Main themes: Institutional cooperation
Workmonths: 9 months
Project description:

Formulate a methodological instrument for territorial planning anf institutional cooperation at metropolitan level

Description of IHS Romania SRL activities:
  • Identify the existent policies, plans and methodologies at national and international level, regarding the subject of the study
  • Analyze the institutional cooperation possibilities and the local administrations capacity to implement packages of programmes and projects necessary for the development of the metropolitan area
  • Elaborate the regulation which will represent the base for the operational phases of implementing the metropolitan development plan
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