Citește în română: Plan Strategic si Plan de ...
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Project name: Strategic Plan and Business Plan for Proiect Bucuresti, 1998-2002
Beneficiary: S.C. Proiect Bucuresti SA
Contracting agency: S.C. Proiect Bucuresti SA
Financing agency: S.C. Proiect Bucuresti SA
Country: Romania
City/location: Bucharest
Project type: Consultancy and Training
Contract date: May 1998 August 1998 January 1999
Main themes: Company management
Workmonths: 7 months
Project description:

Support the company management in the field of organization restructuring, planning, marketing and finance 

Description of IHS Romania SRL activities:
  • Revise the internal company structure and formulate the staff job description
  • Training in strategic planning, financial management, and project appraisal 
  • Elaborate the strategy of the company to 2002
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IHS Romania SRL | VAT Number: RO6135554
5-7 Victor Eftimiu st., Bucharest, Romania | phone: +4021-313-7475 | email: