Citește în română: Caiet de sarcini pentru Agenţia ...
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Project name: Terms of Reference for the Land Development Agency, Bucharest 2000.
Beneficiary: Bucharest Municipality
Contracting agency: Municipal Centre for Urban Planning
Financing agency: Bucharest Municipality
Country: Romania
City/location: Bucharest
Project type: Consultancy
Contract date: June 1997
Main themes: Development agency
Workmonths: 5 months
Project description:

Formulate the TOR for an international bidding to choose the partner of the Municipality of Bucharest in order to establish Bucharest 2000 development agency responsible for developing the inner part of the city of Bucharest (140 hectares of vacant land)

Description of IHS Romania SRL activities:
  • Formulate the terms of reference paper structured on three chapters including the legal status, management and financial issues
  • Provide technical assistance during the process of selection
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