Citește în română: Agenţia de dezvoltare locală Sinaia
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Project name: Local Development Agency Sinaia
Beneficiary: Sinaia Municipality
Contracting agency: Romania Development and Communication
Financing agency: Romania Development and Communication
Country: Romania
City/location: Sinaia
Project type: Consultancy
Contract date: June 1997
Main themes: Local development agency
Workmonths: 0.5 month
Project description:

Provide an international overview on the local development agencies issue and propose an organisation structure able to cooperate with the public sector in city development

and urban changes. The project presented a possible management structure of Sinaia Development Agencies accompanied with the human and financial sources, the objectives and the activities of the agency.

Description of IHS Romania SRL activities:

Present examples of development agencies in Europe

Design a possible management structure of Sinaia Development Agency, accompanied by descriptions of the human and financial sources, the objectives and the activities of the agency

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