Citește în română: Cetatea Oradea - Centru Multicultural ...
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Project name: Oradea Fortress - Multicultural and Multireligious European Centre phase II: MARKETING PLAN
Beneficiary: Oradea Municipality
Contracting agency: S.C. PROIECT BIHOR S.A.
Financing agency: EU/Regional Operational Program 2007-2013 (axis 1 Support urban development poles)
Country: Romania
City/location: Oradea
Project type: Consultancy
Contract date: July 2009
Main themes: Marketing plan
Workmonths: 3 months
Project description:

Rehabilitate and restructure the buildings B, C, D and E in Oradea Fortress in order to develop a multicultural and multireligious European centre and to promote the fortress as tourist destination

Description of IHS Romania SRL activities:

Formulate the fortress marketing plan according to Model E.3 from the application form of Regional Operational Program 2007-2013, Priority axis 1

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