Citește în română: Dezbatere „Politică şi putere în ...

« 15th Anniversary

Debate „Politics and power in urban management” in Rotterdam
Who does influence decision making in our cities?

Within the training module “Politics and Power” organized in IHS, in Rotterdam, a debate took place on the 10th of July, on the topic “Who does influence decision making in our cities?”

The event focused on the key issues being faced in the European cities of today, the role of different actors in dealing with these issues and the power that they are able to exert to satisfy their own interests, in coordination and partnership with the other urban stakeholders.

Welcome and the introductory presentation of the event were provided by Nico van der Windt, Director of IHS, and the opening speech by Dr. Harry Daeman, Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, EUR.

Then the Romanian participants attending the Young Professional Scheme at IHS debated, in four groups, on the power wielded by different actors during decision making processes. The actors are as follows:

The audience composed of practitioners and academics provided feedback on the group presentations and shared their personal experience on who influences decision making at urban level. Concluding remarks were provided by Dr. Nic Taralunga and Dr. Sorina Racoviceanu stressing the issue of cooperation and co-ordination between actors within an urban governance context.

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